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Sunday, 2024-05-05 10:41 UTC+02:00

Auction ended

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Daniel Fritzson

Frågor angående frakt

2 door closers - adjustable speed

  • 1182603
  • 51250 Svenljunga
  • Sweden

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Self-closing door with arm

DOUBLE ADJUSTMENT - the door closer has the ability to adjust the speed of closing and cracking. The door in the final stage can slow down or speed up. For example, we can set that if we leave the door in the final stage, it closes quickly or, conversely, slowly. It is especially useful for the elderly, the disabled and even children - it becomes easier to open and close the door.
THERMAL VALVES - the door closer is resistant to weather conditions, so it can also be easily used for external doors with a maximum weight of 60 kg. It is resistant to low temperatures, down to -25 ° C.
EXTENDS THE LIFE OF THE DOOR - the device is extremely practical, it facilitates the use of the door without risking the high costs of buying new ones, it is enough to mount it on the already working door. The door closer, in addition to the main function - to close the door, also has some others, such as getting rid of banging. The device eliminates drafts and extends the life of the door.
UNIVERSAL - the product can be used for right-hand and left-hand doors. Turning the adjusting screw to the left will increase the speed and to the right will decrease it.

black color; Brown; White
material: aluminium
temperature: -25 degrees
distance: 600-1000mm
maximum door weight: 35-60 kg
correct closing frequency: 10s
dimensions (width / height): 17.5 / 24cm
weight of set: 1.04 kg
weight with packaging: 1.07 kg
door closer
assembly kit

Important info

All bids are binding and the service fee is charged on all items. Any deviations from equivalent second-hand goods are described under the section Remarks in the description of the Item and thus PS is not responsible for the deviation.
The item is NOT TESTED by the auction firm unless otherwise specified in the object description. The object description is done with the best of our knowledge but not binding in detail.
PLEASE NOTE! Any pallet and pallet accessories seen in the picture are not included unless otherwise stated in the description.

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Important info

Payment must have been received by us before you can pick up the goods, so pay in time. 
Invoice copy and proof of payment must be brought to the pick up. The buyer shall at the appointed time arrange collection, any disassembly / packing of the item.

PLEASE NOTE! Any pallet and pallet accessories seen in the picture are not included unless otherwise stated in the description.


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